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Today is Mother’s Day. I am not yet a mother, but three women who have shown me how it’s done leave me no doubt that I will be a strong one when the time comes. And when I falter, they will be there to support me.

Who am I talking about? My mother, my nanny, and my sister. Today, my post is about them. They are three of the most precious women in my life, for a myriad of reasons. I hope by the end of this post, they know how just how precious.

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I believe peanut butter is the perfect food. My husband would disagree, but I truly think it is. Full of protein and good fats, it goes well with bread, apples, or even chicken when turned into satay sauce. When Snickers came out with their new Peanut Butter Snickers, I practically jumped for joy, and the brightly wrapped candy bar went into my CVS basket faster than you can say “check out”.

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My Grandma Wogan lived in Union Star, MO… a tiny little sleeper town in northwest Missouri. As tiny as the town was, I remember it being full of magic spots when I was a little girl. She lived in a log cabin (that always smelled like coffee), which was about as far different from our suburban ranch home as it could be. She had huge trees all over her lot, with a big tire swing in her backyard. My sister and I would spend hours just swinging on that swing, feeling like we were flying up to the highest tree branches.

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